If your employer is interested in the progression of your career, you will know it before you threaten to quit. If it’s only afterward that they try to convince you, it’s likely to be pure manipulation and numerous risks prevail:

  1. You’re not considered a team player, and can be passed up for the best future opportunities, laid off as a non-team member, etc. Grudges are real, especially when people feel they were blackmailed.
  2. Counters frequently do not include an increase in pay, just “promises,” and sometimes just for sport.
  3. Future raises may be less to compensate for “counter” increase.
  4. Companies don’t change for one person, although they may flatter and make promises to do so.
  5. Suitor company is damaged significantly – you burn a bridge – they must start the search over.
  6. You miss a career opportunity to grow, diversify, or start off in a positive situation without baggage. Conclusion: If the first time you feel like your company cares about you is when you tell them that you could be leaving, it was time for you to leave anyway.

While your manager may love you, their motivations are:

  1. Protecting their position or status
  2. Short-term use – of your skills and knowledge
  3. Grudges can be held for:Lack of blind loyaltyBlackmail for a counter offer
  4. You may be cheaper (even with a raise) than they could recruit from a competitor.

Conclusion: Everyone thinks of themselves first, which is only natural in business (it’s not personal). Since everyone in business is replaceable (it’s a fact, so treat it as one) you need to remember that it takes time to replace you. Time = money and a manager’s job is based on getting their people to give maximum “bang for the buck.” If your manager cared that much about your growth and development, why is it that it took you telling them you are leaving to talk of raises and promotions that are just around the corner??

You should always anticipate a counter offer, and:

  1. Keep the counter offer in perspective, regarding your employer’s motives and methods.
  2. Consider current employer’s options in advance of offer/acceptance of the new employer’s position.
  3. Once the new company’s offer is accepted, keep the commitment. The party that truly stands to be injured is the “spurned suitor.” They:
    • Have turned down other candidates,
    • Have lost a great deal of time,
    • Have made plans around you,
    • May have taken someone out of the job in question, and have to start the search over.

    If a company made and then rescinded an offer after you had accepted and resigned from your previous position, you would be left out in the cold. The reverse is also true and can be damaging to all parties concerned.

    Conclusion: When you make your decision about taking another job, you should have already weighed the pros and cons of leaving vs. staying at your current company. If the pros outweighed the cons and you have decided to leave, stick with your decision and instincts. There are so many negatives about a counteroffer that they rarely end up being to your benefit in the end.

“Resignation” Advice:

The best way to resign is to be positive and firm about leaving; be careful not to leave the issue open for discussion. To do so runs the previous manager “through hoops” to get counter offer approved, and makes it much more difficult to turn down later. In these days of decreasing company loyalty to employees and less “lifetime employment” emphasis, professionals must be proactive about management of their own careers, and not trust career management to employers. If an opportunity presents itself, the decision to accept is well thought out, and a commitment is made, keep a steady course and don’t look back.

Conclusion: Be direct, firm and make your decision final in the minds of everyone involved. When you tell your current company that the decision is final they will be able to start planning right away for the transition. They will be a future reference so no need to burn bridges. Give your two weeks and move on to the next great challenge of your career.

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