Have you ever wanted to learn coding but have felt overwhelmed or intimidated by the process? Well, you aren’t alone. Coding can be very overwhelming when taking it on for the very first time, however there are many great resources available today to help ease you into coding and help you become a pro. The first hurdle you will encounter with coding is choosing a programming language. It can be difficult to know whether to start with Java, Javascript, Python, Ruby or a myriad of other languages. Take a deep breath and start slow, I’m going to walk you through the best resources available to you so you can start off your coding journey on a good foot. Unless you are getting paid big bucks to write programs or automate processes, take your time and go at your own pace.  

Books for learning to code

I love books; always have and always will. There’s just something about sitting back in your favorite chair with a book in your hands and soaking it in. Books are a great resource for learning to code. From beginners to pros, there are books out there that will suit your coding needs. Here are three books (or series of books) that will help you get started with coding and continue to learn.  

Mark Meyers “A Smarter Way to Learn” Series – Mark Meyers has written a series of books that can really give you a good start with coding.  His series include Python, HTML & CSS, Javascript and jQuery languages. The sub heading of the book reads, “Learn from the guy who’s taught coding to grandmothers, cab drivers, musicians, and 50,000 other newbies.”  

Beginning Programming for Dummies – This installment in the “For Dummies” series is written by Wallace and Wally Wang (say that 5 times fast).  This book gives the beginner a good introduction into computer programming and how it works.  

Hello World! Second Edition: Computer Programming for Kids and Other BeginnersDon’t be put off by the title of “Programming for Kids” as this is not aimed completely at kids, but more for beginners to programming.  Co-written by Warren and Carter Sande, Hello World is a great option for those who want to learn Python, and need to go at a slower pace.  

Websites for learning to code

The Internet is full of amazing resources for beginning coders and programmers alike. Much like the books listed above, these resources you can take with you and study/practice coding wherever you are. Waiting in line at the DMV, use these sites to practice coding to not only make time pass quickly, but to learn as well.  

Code Academy – Code Academy is one of the best free sites you can take advantage of to learn coding. There are so many language options to choose from and you can build out a learning plan within the site. Code Academy was created seven years ago as a platform for those who want to learn how to code from the comfort of their home or wherever they are. Today, more than 45 million users have utilized Code Academy to learn how to code.  

Udemy – Most online CBT type of training can be very dull and mundane. Udemy has created a platform for professionals in their field to create their own course content and present it on Udemy’s platform. Some of the languages available to learn are C, C++, Java, Python, Node.js, Javascript and C# among others. The courses are relatively affordable and can be done at your own pace on your own time.  

Apps for learning to code

Both Code Academy and Udemy have mobile apps for Android and Apple that you can download on your device to use on the go.  Additionally you can download the following apps to add to your arsenal of training.  

Py – Py is an app that you can download from Google Play or Apple’s App Store and has a ton of great content. Some of the things you can learn are Python, SQL, HTML, Swift and Javascript.  

Grasshopper – If you are looking for a super fun way to learn programming, Grasshopper is a great option. Their interface is very friendly and an animated grasshopper guides you through the lessons. Voted by Common Sense Education as the Best EdTech of 2018, Grasshopper lets you learn through games and a fun coding adventure.  

Coding can be done by anyone with the desire to do so.  

Have Fun!

Coding and programming can be super fun! You can create games, apps and other cool things by learning to code. Find a language that is interesting to you and go with it. It might take you a month or a year, but if you keep at it daily, you will get better at coding and it will be fun.  Along the way, you might even make some money! Win!

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Greg Stuart is the owner and editor of vDestination.com. He's been a VMware vExpert every year since 2011. Greg enjoys spending time with his wife and 3 kids. He has 20 years of IT experience and currently works as an IT Consultant both in the private and public sector. Greg holds a BS in Information Technology and an MBA degree. He currently resides in Southeast Idaho. You can follow him on Twitter @vDestination, read his blog (vDestination.com) and listen to his podcast (vDestination.com/feed/podcast).