The Taliban-Haqqani regime continue their diplomatic efforts to convince the world that Afghanistan is now safe and secure, and that terrorists are not operating inside the country. A leader of the Taliban-Haqqani terror forces met recently with U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West to plead their case for a removal of sanctions and recognition of the terrorists as a government—the lies fooled no one in the room. The daily retribution killings, kidnappings, forced marriages, and explosions make it clear that Afghanistan is not safe for Afghans. Headlines this week pointed to more barbaric violence in the future for Afghans as the Taliban-Haqqani leaders resume public floggings and executions.

Taliban Attack in Daikundi province

The most disturbing murder by the regime this week occurred in Daikundi province in the center of the country. With a population of around half a million people, Daikundi is a majority Hazara province. The Hazara have been long-term enemies of the Taliban-Haqqani terrorist network and are often targeted for the most heinous of attacks. Many today believe this targeting is rising to the level of genocide activities.

The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights for Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, has now called for a transparent investigation into the deadly attack that occurred on November 24. Witnesses state that the Taliban forces in Daikundi launched an assault on the Sewak-e-Shibar village in Nili, the Capital of Daikundi. Nine civilians were killed during the attack on the homes, to include a woman and four children ages 1-14 from two Hazara families. The Taliban regime acknowledged their role in the attack when they tried to defend their actions by claiming they were trying to disarm some “rebels” in the area.

While UNAMA, the UN mission to Afghanistan, says they are working to find out the facts of the attack and that they are engaging with the terror regime to conduct a “credible investigation,” reaction from Afghans to the killing has been swift. Afghans rightly point out that the Talban will not find itself guilty for the slaughter or bring anyone to justice. Afghans again highlighted the uselessness of the rounds of condemnation of the mass murder by foreign agencies and diplomats.

A Call for Help From the International Community

Afghans and their allies globally continue to call for an international mechanism/organization to provide a fair and open study of the possible ongoing genocide of Hazaras. Hazara allies around the globe continue their online and in-person #StopHazaraGenocide protests and marches in hopes that some nation will take the lead in starting the process of protecting the Hazara in Afghanistan.

When the violence perpetrated by the terror regime is added to the violence by the other regional and international terrorists now safely residing in Afghanistan, there is little hope for the terror regime in getting the world to recognize them. The main objective for the Taliban-Haqqani regime and their supporters in Pakistan is to get international recognition as the legal government. Unless the regime starts to control violence, especially their own, that objective is unachievable. Hazara know that unless some nation takes action to help them, they face a dim and deadly future under the terror regime.

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Jason spent 23 years in USG service conducting defense, diplomacy, intelligence, and education missions globally. Now he teaches, writes, podcasts, and speaks publicly about Islam, foreign affairs, and national security. He is a member of the Military Writers Guild and aids with conflict resolution in Afghanistan.