Some fear a technological storm is fast approaching while others say it’s already here and expanding at an alarming rate.  But isn’t this what has been going on since the beginning of time and fast tracked during the industrial revolution? People and industries adapt and transform into whatever is needed at the time. The one thing we can count on in this world is change, it’s going to happen regardless of our human nature to resist.

Historical Context: Adaptability to Technological Shifts

Throughout history, innovations have simplified and expanded human’s abilities far beyond what prior generations could imagine. AI is one more avenue to achieve efficiency and simplify tasks at hand while reshaping the workforce to support these initiatives. Yes, developers must proceed with caution, and there will be missteps along the way.

I used a slide rule to perform complex calculations or solved equations using pen and paper back in the 1970s. The hand-held calculator changed that overnight. The entire engineering and design industry was transformed when Computer-aided design (CAD) and Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) came on line.

AI attributed to computer systems isn’t in its infancy, it has been happening all around us in various degrees since the first electronic digital computer, the ENIAC, was built in 1945.

Preparing for the Inevitable: Strategies for Workforce Transformation

Half of all jobs could go by the wayside according to some estimates and millions of workers could eventually be replaced as automation assumes many of their tasks.

The industrial revolution started the ball rolling and transformed the world from an agrarian culture to manufacturing. From that time forward constant technological and social changes have been the norm, not the exception.

Half of American workers were employed in agriculture in the late 1800s, today only 1-2% remain in that field. Advances in technology decimated agriculture jobs and the manufacturing sector absorbed displaced workers. Today the vast majority of United States workers are employed in service industries. A sea change over the past 100 plus years.

Government Initiatives: AI Competencies and Preparedness

Private and government entities are preparing for the impact AI will have on the workforce. The AI in Government Act of 2020 – AI Competencies was created to help the federal government recruit and train more AI talent.

The general and technical AI competencies addressed in OPM’s public memorandum can assist smaller private sector firms prepare; they won’t have to reinvent the wheel to get started.  Government agencies are encouraged to use these competencies outlined in their memorandum, along with a job analysis, for recruitment, selection, and hiring.

Most tech firms have guidance in place to meet the needs of this emerging technology and AI implementation will affect most of what we do today.

Embracing Change in the AI Era

Yes, change is inevitable and history reveals the truth of the matter. Change happens, we adjust and move on; hopefully in the right direction with good stewardship. Skill sets evolve and thankfully, we adjust and the new becomes the norm as it has done so throughout history.

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Dennis V. Damp, the creator of and, is a retired federal manager, business owner, career counselor and veteran. Damp is the author of 28 books, his books were featured in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times and U.S. News & World Report.