In today’s demanding world, cleared professionals need effective strategies to optimize performance. One of the most adopted methods in recent years is the Rapid Planning Method (RPM), which offers a revolutionary approach to planning, prioritizing, and achieving goals.

RPM was initially developed and pioneered by life coach Tony Robbins. In case you aren’t familiar, Tony Robbins is a renowned life coach, motivational speaker, and best-selling author. Robbins recognized the need for a practical system to help individuals manage their time, set clear goals, and enhance productivity. This need led to the creation of the Rapid Planning Method.

Mastering RPM

RPM focuses on the same acronym, Results, Purpose, Massive action plan, and centers on helping others achieve clarity, focus, and direction in their personal and professional lives. RPM’s core revolves around three fundamental principles: clarity, focus, and execution.

Principle 1: Clarity

Individuals are encouraged to deeply understand their long-term objectives and create a crystal-clear vision of their goals. By clearly defining their goals, working professionals, like those specializing in security clearance roles, can set themselves up for success.

Principle 2: Focus

Individuals then break down their goals into actionable steps. By breaking larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, professionals can create a roadmap that leads to success. This approach allows for a more focused and systematic approach to work.

RPM emphasizes effective task prioritization. It means identifying the most critical tasks that align with goals and allocating time and resources accordingly. Focus on the most impactful activities.

Principle 3: Execution

The RPM method encourages individuals to act consistently towards goals and maintain momentum. Through effective execution, professionals can steadily progress and achieve optimal results. The RPM process provides a structured framework for decision-making and taking proactive steps toward success.

How to Adopt the RPM Method

The RPM process was created with a straightforward approach to help you plan your day and manage your time. You can implement this mode of thinking by following these five easy steps:

Step 1: Capture

Start by capturing all the tasks and activities that must be completed on a given day. Rather than creating a simple to-do list, it’s vital to chunk and organize your tasks efficiently. Identify which tasks are related to one another and group them together. Once you clearly understand these task groups, it’s time to clarify the outcomes.

Step 2: Create an RPM Plan

Once you’ve captured everything, the next step is to break out how to attack the outcomes you want to see in your life by breaking it down to measured results, your why for achieving it, and your action plan.

R – Result: Define the specific and measurable result you want to achieve. Clarity on your desired outcome provides direction and enables your brain to work more effectively towards it.

P – Purpose: Determine why you want to achieve the specific result. Understanding your purpose provides motivation and drives your actions. When you connect with your goal, it becomes easier to stay motivated and focused.

M – Massive Action Plan: Develop an action plan focusing on the most impactful tasks. The Pareto Principle suggests that 20% of actions contribute to 80% of the results. You can increase your productivity and chances of success by identifying the key activities that will yield the most significant outcomes.

Step 3: Commit and Schedule

Schedule the most important tasks first and commit to completing them. By prioritizing your activities and scheduling them, you commit to follow through. Recognize that it may only be possible to accomplish some things on your list in a single day. Identify the “must items” – the tasks that will make the most significant difference in your life – and prioritize them. Anything not completed can be moved to the next day or week. Continuously adapt your plan, reminding yourself of your desired result and purpose, and prioritize the next most important task—delegate tasks to others when appropriate.

Step 4: Complete and Achieve

Follow through on your schedule by completing the most essential and high-leverage activities on your list. Aim to accomplish 3-5 significant tasks that align with your goals. Leverage the power of working with others to produce desired results. Communicate your desired outcome, purpose, and actions to those assisting you. Working with others allows you to achieve more in less time.

Step 5: Celebrate

At the end of the day or week, take the time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may be. Acknowledge your progress even if you still need to complete everything on your list. Celebrating your achievements creates positive momentum and motivates you to keep going. Remember, what gets rewarded gets repeated. Recognizing and celebrating successes encourages you to continue working towards your goals.


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Brandon Osgood is a strategic communications and digital marketing professional based out of Raleigh, NC. Beyond being a passionate storyteller, Brandon is an avid classical musician with dreams of one day playing at Carnegie Hall. Interested in connecting? Email him at