As you survey your peers, do you notice intersecting trends when considering their personalities meshing with the professions they hold? Do you ever wonder if they succeed in their respective roles at work mostly due to their dispositions? Or have their professions been the catalysts that has largely shaped their personalities overtime?

Truthfully, it’s likely a bit of both, but the more believable reality is that individuals most excel within their careers when they hone in on what they’re naturally drawn to and enjoy. No duh, right? Yet oftentimes we try to overthink our careers and fly past what we’re interested in, skipping directly over to the financial aspect of things. We’re quick to ask ourselves if taking a job will fast track us to a six-figure salary, or if an upper management position is within reach by the time we’re five years in. While these are reasonable temptations to heed, especially after years (maybe even a decade or more!) of schooling, it’s probably not shocking to hear that this more expedient approach to securing a job will not be sustainable in the long run. Sure, not everyone out there will be able to find and latch onto their perfect lavish dream job for the next 40 years of their life, but it doesn’t mean that staying rooted in a job you hate (or by default possibly not thriving in) is the move.

If it feels like you don’t know where to start in terms of figuring out what career fields you’re potentially suited for, then you’re not alone. This quiz offers a slew of thought-provoking questions that challenge you to match a string of personality traits or interests with a complementing career. Through seeing a handful of plausible career options laid out, it might inspire you to consider aiming for a career that incorporates the things that come most natural to you: your own characteristics and attributes. The first step to getting plugged into a career that you genuinely love could simply be exposure to knowing the jobs that work FOR you, not against you.


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Grace Boone has always loved to write. As an English major at Florida State University, her love of learning, reading, and writing took off. She's held a number of different positions, giving her a well-rounded view of the world.