When considering where to plant your roots geographically, considering the job market would obviously be one of the top, if not THE top, factors for most people. Different cities across America have their own distinct playgrounds for various sectors of the job market. Some parts of the country are historically linked to their accolades and advancements within the technological field, while others spotlight supreme healthcare facilities. Take a trip to Kansas or Wisconsin and you’ll see farming opportunities for miles as soon as you leave the airport. Head over to the glorious West Coast and it’s not hard to tell that the restaurant business is thriving between the abundance of vibrant food options available. On the other hand, many regions of the country aren’t exactly hubs for certain industry sectors.

Relocate to What Works Best for You

Whether it’s due to a lack of farmable land, ridiculous shipping costs, facility shortages, or environmental regulations, there are employment downsides to just about any and every city in the country. No one spot has it all opportunity wise. The upside to this reality though is that there are cities and states in the U.S. that are prime spots for your career path, almost as if they were hubs made to support your specific career.

The More You Know

While uprooting might not be the smartest course of action for some, it may be the clearest path to career success for others. Regardless of whether now is the time to make a geographical career move, acquainting yourself with industry arenas across the country is helpful know-how for future opportunities. The more you know about surrounding cities and states, the more equipped you are to discern the pros and cons of potential destination locations for your job down the road. Use the quiz above as a starting point for acquainting yourself with geographical powerhouses both near and far!

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Grace Boone has always loved to write. As an English major at Florida State University, her love of learning, reading, and writing took off. She's held a number of different positions, giving her a well-rounded view of the world.