A little over a year ago, our Ask CJ column covered when a security clearance won’t crossover due to unadjduicated information – essentially, there is a part of the background investigation that is still open: a polygraph that is out of scope, or a clearance holder is trying to change jobs in the middle of an investigation.

We see the question come up again on ClearanceJobsBlog.com.

“I know this question has kind of already been asked before but I’m still confused. I’m trying to move from one contract to another and I currently hold a TS/SCI FSP for my current position and the recruiter for the new position just informed me that my crossover was denied due to “unadjudicated information” and could not provide any more details. I’m not that knowledgeable with the security process because I’ve always just relied on the security officers to take care of things. I would always give them any information they needed, and they somehow made everything work thus far.

So my questions are, what does “unadjudicated information” mean exactly? Is there a way to resolve this issue without having to start a brand new background investigation? If its not a suitability issue, why do they refuse to provide any info so that you can easily resolve it? Don’t they want the best candidates for the jobs?

I apologize for my ignorance in all of this. Like I said I usually rely on the company security officers to resolve everything. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I’m a really good fit for the position and the customer is really annoyed that they can’t get me even though I’ve been in the IC for 10+ years.”

A clearance holder who experienced a similar situation previously notes on the thread that “Unadjudicated Information” means that there is something open on the security clearance record in Scattered Castles. “The first thing you should you do is file a privacy act request for your records with DNI,” they said. “What this will do is give you a physical copy of your clearance record in Scattered Castles. The record should have “Non-Adjudicated Record” in red text at the top of the record.”

Another option for the applicant is to check with their current Facility Security Officer (FSO) to see what information they might be able to glean from checking on them in Scattered Castles.

Any unadjudicated information on a clearance record means that your security clearance cannot crossover to a new role.

A second candidate on the thread had a similar experience but for their polygraph.

“This happened to me and I had to find another sponsor for my FSP. That took 6 months and then once the new sponsor started the background investigation and the polygraph/medical/psych screening that took another 10 months. The customer would not tell me anything at all just that I need a new background investigation before I could work for them as a contractor. I never did find out what the unadjudicated information was on my file. I just moved on and started over.”

Much about the clearance process resembles the Pirate’s Code: “more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules.” This case-by-case system is meant to consider the whole person, increase process security, and allow the lowest-risk/highest-need candidates to complete the process. This article is intended as general information only and should not be construed as legal advice. Consult an attorney regarding your specific situation.

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Katie Helbling is a marketing fanatic that enjoys anything digital, communications, promotions & events. She has 10+ years in the DoD supporting multiple contractors with recruitment strategy, staffing augmentation, marketing, & communications. Favorite type of beer: IPA. Fave hike: the Grouse Grind, Vancouver, BC. Fave social platform: ClearanceJobs! 🇺🇸