There are many reasons you may want to consider switching industries in your career. Whether you’ve recently relocated from a major city to rural life or are considering heading back to school following work-induced burnout, it’s common to evaluate the long-term sustainability of your current role. But how do you begin to transfer from one industry to the next? Check out these tips to help kick start your industry switch!

Pinpoint Transferrable Skills and Lean into Them

Think again if you assume you’ll have to learn an entirely new skillset or a swath of foreign responsibilities before moving industries. Skills like attention to detail, problem solving, and leadership are transferable across sectors. Be sure to highlight your experience in overlapping skills on your resume to show off your versatility and adaptability.

Seek Out Catch-All Certifications and Courses

Some management and leadership certifications often transcend industry and give candidates making career shifts a leg up. Likewise, the accessibility and often affordability of online courses make them an ideal route to supercharge your industry transition. In a few hours or weeks, you can have a new certification or two to put on your resume, adding to your list of transferrable skills.

Use Networking to Get Your Foot in the Door

The phrase “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” often rings true when it comes to switching industries. Building connections through your professional network can have a strong correlation with the success of your career transition. Lean on existing relationships for advice, receive fresh recommendation letters, and spread the word about your impending employment change.
As you consider your leap into a different industry, feel relieved that obtaining a new degree isn’t the only way to land on your feet. A few tweaks to your skillset and resume may be all you need to make the switch.

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Grace Boone has always loved to write. As an English major at Florida State University, her love of learning, reading, and writing took off. She's held a number of different positions, giving her a well-rounded view of the world.