The route to obtaining a security clearance isn’t the same for everyone, and neither are denials. The process can seem confusing, but there are steps you can take to make the process a bit less anxiety-inducing. Here are five ways to avoid a security clearance denial.
Don’t go into the process uninformed
Knowledge is power, and when it comes to the cleared jobs process, it’s essential that you understand what you’re getting yourself into. There are 13 adjudicative criteria for determining a clearance approval or denial. Depending on the level of clearance, the fastest processing times have been falling between 90 and 120 days.
Stay on top of your finances
Financial issues are the leading cause of security clearance denials year after year. If you’ve struggled with your credit or defaulted on loans, you must show your financial status has improved. If it hasn’t, you will need to explain in detail why.
Don’t cover up past mistakes
Did you find yourself in a tricky situation during your semester abroad? Were you ever suspended in high school? When applying for a security clearance, you must be transparent about your past. The federal government will leave no stone unturned in its investigation.
Avoid vague answers on your SF-86
The “additional comments” section on your SF-86 will be your best friend. Be sure to explain in detail any questionable moments from your past.
Ensure your loyalty to the U.S.
If you’re a dual citizen, you must prove to the federal government that you are loyal to the United States. This includes traveling with a foreign passport or taking advantage of any other privilege granted to you by a foreign government.
Be transparent, make good choices, and ensure your loyalty to the U.S. is unwavering, and you have a good chance of receiving your clearance. Keep updated with any changes to the security clearance process by visiting us online.