Status Updates are messages you create yourself and live on your ClearanceJobs recruiter profile. This user generated content can be text, links, articles, photos, videos, etc. You have unlimited availability to disseminate this information to your potential candidates on the ClearanceJobs career marketplace. Has your company recently won a contract? Share the press release with your ClearanceJobs connections. Have a funny photo/video of a team virtual happy hour? Share it with your network to show that your team is weathering the storm through the pandemic.
This advertising allows you to engage with passive, happily employed candidates with content that is going to potentially drum up interest. Job postings do have value in today’s world, but the most successful recruiters employ a multi-touch marketing approach. Don’t be discouraged if the few first status updates don’t provoke a response right away. It may take multiple attempts and touches to get the cleared pool of candidates to engage with you.
Text is one of the mediums for Status Updates that are great for company news, new contract wins, awards received, asking a question to your candidate audiences, or simply sharing a quote that resonated with you professionally. These should have attention-grabbing headlines that make the candidate curious to know more about the content, you or the programs you’re supporting.
Photos are another excellent channel that you can share with your ClearanceJobs connections. Selfies or any photos with faces tend to do much better than photos without people.
Another facet of Status Updates is that ClearanceJobs has the capability to merge your live tweets into your ClearanceJobs recruiting profile, saving your time for other creative strategies in recruitment.
One tip that recruiters may forget to do in a digital environment is engage with candidates’ content. Communication is a two-way street, and that may be the best venue of communication for a candidate as opposed to a hard sell through direct messaging. Candidates also like to feel that their content is viewed positively and relevant, and you show that as a recruiter by engaging with their Status Updates.
Since data analytics came to be, successful teams use it to make better informed business decisions. In recruitment marketing, data-rich analytics is valid, too. Look at what Status Updates, Broadcast Messages, photos or videos have done best in the past regarding engagement. Start targeting and address your candidate groups directly through content that appeals to their interests i.e. if you recruit for defense intelligence analysis programs and have mostly those connections, don’t share an article on upcoming AI/machine learning projects.
Recruiters should utilize multiple media channels such as video, image-rich posts, or presentation slides to keep your page diverse. Post consistently with content that speaks to each of your candidate audiences, rely on company-generated content like newsletters, blog posts, and social media feeds and mix it up to keep the candidates on their toes and interested.
- Share content that’s meant to teach or develop on a skill, making sure to tag the appropriate partner pages.
“Wow, @microsoft and @launchcode truly care about veterans! Check out this software development training they are offering”
- Did you find an inspiring TED Talk or motivating video? Come across an interesting career guidance article?
“New Employee Security Clearance Training and Onboarding in the age of the Coronavirus” |
- How about a fun photo to lighten people’s feeds? Share it! That’s all post-worthy fodder. So, take a selfie with your #coronaviruscoworker (fury friend) while you’re working from home.
- For video content, share the Facebook live event of your book club through a status update on the ClearanceJobs platform or an employee interview on what it’s like to work for your company.