“The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity.”  -Keith Ferrazzi

Now is the perfect time to start the job search if you have been on the fence or are just interested in passively networking.

While COVID-19 has changed the way we work (or telework), it has also changed the way we network and look for new careers…in an amazing way. If you’re ready to take the leap, read up on these tips and tricks, and register for our upcoming virtual events here.


Virtual career events give you the opportunity to connect with employers from all over the country without having to get dressed or leave home.  Employers will have access to your resume before, during, and after the event concludes, and you have access to the employer’s content and job postings beforehand also.  In preparation for your chats with recruiters, be sure to do to the following:

Research employers and job openings: Develop a list of keywords and phrases from employer website that you can drop in the online chat.

Tailor your resume for each opening: Upload versions of your resume and laser-focus to each employer.

Create calendar reminders: Set one to assemble materials and test your equipment.

Prepare your elevator pitch: Be sure to note your security clearance status, the position you are seeking, why you’re in the job market, and a fun fact so you remain memorable.

Preparing responses to interview questions: Construct accomplishment stories and responses to typical interview questions so you remember to mention every possible reason why that employer should hire you.

Prepare questions for the recruiters: This helps you better understand the employer and is taken as a sign of a motivated candidate.

Test you’re equipment: Login a few minutes early and be sure all other apps are closed to avoid distractions. Confirm your status is available and personalize your tagline.

Dress for success: Especially through COVID-19 career seeking, dressing in professional attire will enhance your job-hunting mindset, even though you won’t be conducting a video interview.

Attend from a distraction-free environment: A quiet location is ideal, and you will want to make certain it’s distraction-free.

Stay organized and remaining engaged: Organize your company information and jobs in a spreadsheet where you can easily input information. Be responsive with the chat tool.

Put yourself out there: A virtual environment means it’s important to exert yourself to make connections. Confidence is key.

Ask for next steps and the recruiter’s contact info: Be forthright and offer to connect over email. Also ask about the next steps in the process and be sure to take down their contact information.

Send thank you notes: Send thank you emails to all individuals that you made a connection with.