Within the last few years, Google has launched a few sites with a very specific mission to assist veterans and families. One of those sites ,“Google for Veterans and Families,” was created in 2011 by veterans, families of veterans, and friends who work at Google. The developers and administrators of the site have special understanding of the challenges of service members and those who are making the transition to civilian life.  The site is “dedicated to those who gave their lives while serving with honor or those they left behind.”

The entrepreneurial nature of veterans has found a home in Silicon Valley in more than a few instances. Veteran-owned start-ups continue to grow, and the initiative behind Google for Veterans and Families comes directly from prior-military service employees.

The Google Veterans Network is an employee volunteer community which seeks to contribute to the veteran community, through products and services to ease the lives of veterans and families. Google for Veterans and Families is a collection of free and useful tools for the veteran community.

There are two main sections of the site, “Tools for Veterans” and “Tools for Families” which contain products and services they feel are most helpful to the two groups. They are organized into six categories for the veterans, and two for the families.

The section for veteran has subcategories with information on veteran employment and transitioning to the civilian workplace, to include writing a resume, and tips on how to contact employers.

“Tools for Families” contains two categories, “Reconnect with Your Veteran”, which has subcategories such as, “Read about issues that matter to your veteran,” and “Learn more about your veteran’s service.”

There is a section, “And Connect with Peer Support” has subcategories, to include advice on how to start or join a group with other military families.

The Google for Veterans and Families site has a re-direct to YouTube where a veteran, or anyone else, can share their thoughts about service, in their own words. It is a place where a person can upload a tribute to extend thanks to those who have served, or a veteran can leave their thoughts on their own experiences.

In November of 2012, Google partnered with other veteran and family advocacy organizations that are providing support and resources to veterans and families. VetNet is collaboration between veteran-focused non-government agencies designed to help and their families find careers.

VetNet: A place for veterans and military spouses to build civilian careers, Google+ platform, and contains the following information: (from the VetNet blog site)

“All of the content and resources are organized into three tracks by objective, each hosted on its own Google+ page.

To stay abreast of the most exciting events happening across all tracks, follow +VetNetHQ on Google+.”

If a person has further questions about the site, they can contact Google at toolsforveterans@gmail.com

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Diana M. Rodriguez is a native Washingtonian who works as a professional freelance writer, commentator, and blogger; as well as a public affairs, website content and social media manager for the Department of Defense.