What’s in a name, or an accent for that matter? As a job seeker, you are naturally likely to get calls from recruiting, staffing, and human resource professionals inquiring about your availability for certain careers. In today’s global melting pot, some of the people you talk to may have accents and/or non-Western names. What to do?
Don’t forget, on ClearanceJobs.com we manually pre-screen companies requesting access to our resume database. Companies must be US-based, and all users must be US citizens. Additionally, companies cannot access ClearanceJobs from outside the 50 states.
Just because someone has an accent or isn’t named John Smith doesn’t mean they are not a naturalized US citizen.
As a security-cleared candidate, you have a responsibility for covertness. If you ever talk to someone and you are uncomfortable, it’s best to politely err on the side of giving out less information than more. If the recruiter or HR professional is a ClearanceJobs client you are welcome to contact us at support@clearancejobs.com and we can verify that recruiter’s legitimacy.