As hard as it can be to leave a job, sometimes it is the right thing to do. So, how do you know if it’s time to quit? Test your knowledge this week to figure out if you’re at the right place or if it’s time to update your ClearanceJobs profile.

Know When to Quit

Sometimes it’s hard to know if the grass on the other side is actually greener. Some jobs make the decision to leave really easy. But sometimes it’s challenging to tease out how much your workplace is actually impacting your career. And moving on to another job is a lot of work too. But you never want to overstay at a place. That doesn’t mean that you can’t work for the same employer for decades. However, sometimes, the decision to leave gets punted down the road for way too long. So, if the career opportunities are drying up or the office vibe begins to get weird, don’t wait too long to quit.

7 Ways to Quit Your Job Well

I’d be hard pressed to find a job that warranted a well-planned, dramatic exit. Even in a large metropolitan area, the number of degrees between people is often smaller than you realize. Make the wise choice and control your exit as calmly and kindly as possible – regardless of what your time at the office was really like. If you’re going to quit, keep these seven considerations in mind.

  1.  Hierarchy is important. Tell your boss first and your coworkers second. Don’t mess up that order.
  2. Quit in person or over video teleconference. Phone or email are a last resort.
  3. Give at least two weeks notice. If you can give more, let them know that. If it’s a good working relationship, you can provide as much time as possible to find your replacement.
  4. Finish your time with your team well. Now is not the time to phone it in and coast to the finish line.
  5. Document, document, document. Everything you did, document it. Make sure your coworkers, your boss, and your replacement know where to find things.
  6. This isn’t the time to list all things negative. If you’re asked what should change, provide one key takeaway. Otherwise, just express your gratitude to your teammates, your boss, and your mentors as you move forward.
  7. Allow your team to know that they can contact you after you leave. If it was a good relationship, there really shouldn’t be a reason why they can’t call with a question. If it starts to be too much, you do have caller ID. You don’t have to answer every call, but you can extend an olive branch to them.

The bottom line is this: it’s a small world, so don’t blow your future in exchange for one tweet worthy resignation.

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Jillian Hamilton has worked in a variety of Program Management roles for multiple Federal Government contractors. She has helped manage projects in training and IT. She received her Bachelors degree in Business with an emphasis in Marketing from Penn State University and her MBA from the University of Phoenix.