Space Force may be the newest branch of the armed forces, but its commitment to its workforce is second to none. Jenny Tang, Deputy Director, Financial Management & Comptroller of Space System Command knows firsthand all that Space Force offers its employees.

“I did an internship with the Air Force as a contractor, and I ended up being the financial management comptroller,” explained Tang. “At Space Force, I have the greatest reach to develop folks and be able to bring in talent to help me guide the workforce. Not just from an educational standpoint, but from a career development standpoint. Where do they want to be five years, ten years from now? Maybe even twenty?”

Space Force is dedicated to “Service before Self,” but that doesn’t mean leaving personal or career development behind.

“I think Space Force is an amazing place to be,” said Tang. “Not only do we offer on-the-job training and development programs, but we are also very competitive in terms of salary, benefits, and career broadening.”

Its dedication to developing the careers of its employees goes even further than on-the-job training and development programs. “We have one of the most enriching training programs there is,” Tang pointed out. “Not only do we pay folks a salary, but we also pay for training, we pay for a master’s degree. So the opportunity is just amazing.”

Besides career development, Space Force is also taking the initiative to create an inclusive, diverse workforce. “We’re looking at different types of universities, different cities, and different academics,” said Tang. “We want to attract a wider range of potential candidates.”

A career with Space Force is more than just a job. As Tang said, “You take care of the mission, and we will take care of you.”


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