Many people do not understand the need for a U.S. Space Force and some people are unaware it exists. A lot of the work the U.S. Space Force does is classified and even things that are not classified such as Global Positioning System (GPS), weather satellites, and more are so ingrained into our daily life we don’t think about how it works or why. We just expect it to be there. While these programs can help give legitimacy to a branch that is misunderstood, they don’t answer the question of why the Space Force was created or why it is needed.

Spacepower Ascendant does help answer that question in a straightforward and somewhat terrifying way. Joshua P. Carlson is a space acquisition professional and has served as an Air Force government civilian for the last 11 years. As a 2020 graduate of Air Command and Staff College, his master’s degree concentration was in space strategy. His findings then expanded into this book. He looks at space in the future and outlines China’s strategy to be the next world leader by 2049 by dominating space. He points out that the U.S. does have the advantage today, but if they do not change their focus from exploration to expansion China will soon have the upper hand and likely will prevent any other powers from expanding into space beyond the current U.S. strategy.

Carlson writes on the first page of his book, “China is the U.S.’ silent adversary and has been so for decades, even though it is only recently that they have felt able to directly challenge the U.S. China has taken the lessons from the U.S.’ rise in the late 19th century through maritime and seapower expansion. China envisions space the same way.”

How Do you envision Space?

In the introduction, Carlson asks the question, “How do you envision space?” Think about what you know or think about space. Answering this question will answer how you envision space in the future. If you see space as a place that is unknown and life on the Moon or Mars to be outside the scope of reality you won’t work to make life on these places a goal. If you don’t know about the vast number of resources available in Space you won’t start thinking of how you can mine those resources and bring them back to Earth or utilize them to further Space expansion. Depending on your vision, it will shape your future aspirations.

Since the fall of the U.S.S.R., the U.S. has been predominantly unchallenged in Space. NASA worked with a focus on space exploration instead of space expansion. Americans have yet to go back to the moon since Apollo 17 landed on the moon on December 9, 1972. The crew was there for 12 days and set records for the longest spacewalk, the longest lunar landing, and the most significant lunar samples brought back to Earth. The U.S. is now working to go back to Space with the Artemis Mission with the goal of having a long-term presence on the moon.

Space Race

Spacepower Ascendant lays out the recent accomplishments of the U.S. and Chinese as of 2020. It also dives into the current U.S. and Chinese strategies for space. The U.S. focused primarily on exploration while the Chinese government looks to Space as a place for expansion. When comparing the strategies of both the Chinese and the U.S., Carlson projects that if we continue on the present path, the Chinese will pass the U.S. and take control of key areas preventing expansion to other nations. Holding a monopoly that will allow for expansion and then exploitation of resources in Space puts it as the dominant world power with no one being able to stop them.

Carlson also highlights the fact China continually does not play by the rules in place by the international community. Building islands for peaceful purposes in strategic locations and then adding weapons to deter threats from other countries.

Their track record shows that even with international laws in place and they should allow further expansion in Space, they likely will not honor the laws. Instead, China’s strategy focuses on instead of a winner take all approach. Not allowing other countries to expand once key locations are taken. That is why Carlson believes it is pivotal for the U.S. to take action today. To change their focus from exploration to expansion. Carlson believes that if we take action now we can continue to keep our dominance in Space. The U.S. needs to change its focus on space and realize that the Chinese are working to change the world moving forward. And if we don’t change our vision forward, by the time we realize that we need to make a change, it will be too late.

In his introductions, Carlson notes, “The world has already changed, and the time to develop astronautics and space power is rapidly passing. Reaching for the stars too late will find them already coupled, the Second Cold War lost before it has barely begun.”


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Amanda is a military spouse and veteran who served in the Air Force for six years as a Civil Engineer including a deployment to Afghanistan. She traded in her combat boots for a diaper bag to stay home with her two boys and follow her husband’s military career. She published her first book in 2019 titled Women of the Military, sharing the stories of 28 military women. In 2019 she also launched her podcast also titled Women of the Military. In 2020, she was published as a collaborative author in Brave Women Strong Faith. And in 2021, she launched a YouTube channel to help young women answer their questions about military life, Girl’s Guide to the Military. You can learn more about Amanda at her blog Airman to Mom.