Earlier this month, the United States Army officially activated the final company of the 11th Cyber Battalion. Charlie Company – also the Capybara Company – joined the battalion at a ceremony on July 11 at Fort Eisenhower, GA. Lt. Col. Luis Etienne, commander of the 11th Cyber Battalion (Leviathans), 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber), hosted the event, which also included an introduction of the new Capybara command team Capt. Sean Cushman and 1st Sgt. Terry Spangler.

“First and foremost, activation of Charlie Company means that now all 4 companies in the 11th Cyber Battalion are active,” said Etienne. “This signifies the final phases of our efforts to get to full build and achieve full mission capability. As the Army modernizes its capabilities and force structure to meet the threats and challenges of the future battlefield, Alpha, Bravo, and now, Charlie Company, with the support of HHC (Headquarters and Headquarters Company), stand ready to help the Army and the Joint Force win throughout the conflict continuum.”

The Fourth Company

Charlie Company brings the total strength of the 11th Cyber Battalion – formerly the 915th Cyber Warfare Battalion and activated in 2019 – to more than 300 personnel. The 11th CY has been described as “the Army’s premier expeditionary cyber electronic activity (CEMA) battalion, and it is capable of delivering a range of non-lethal, non-kinetic efforts, including offensive cyberspace operation (OCO) and electronic warfare (EW).

In addition, the 11th CY operates five expeditionary (ECT) CEMA teams that can augment other units. The ECTs can provide offensive Cyber, Information Operations (IO), and EW capability not currently fielded to tactical units, according to the U.S. Army Cyber Command.

The goal is for there to be a total of 12 ECTs in place by September 2027, with one able to operate with each active division of the U.S. Army, providing the OCO, EW, and information advantage functions and capabilities.

“In addition to moving closer to becoming fully mission capable, Charlie Company will be the home of a unique Expeditionary CEMA Team that focuses on providing OTH (over the horizon) long-range precision effects and OTH long-range sensing using remote capabilities and infrastructure,” added Etienne. “Along with housing our Capabilities Solution Detachment – Tactical and our Infrastructure Support Element, Charlie Company will be the Special Troops Company for the battalion.”

Other Companies Will Focus on CEMA Capability Gaps

According to Etienne, the 11th CY’s Alpha and Bravo Companies will continue to focus on filling the CEMA capability gaps at the echelons Corps and Below, while Charlie Company will deliver CEMA effects over the horizon, can address capability gaps for the Army and Joint Force at the operational levels, able to deliver non-lethal and non-kinetic means to bust through the anti-access/area denial bubble.

“Tactical, operational, or strategic, Leviathans, with the Capybaras now as valued members of the team, stand ready to deliver Cyber and EW combat power to the Army and Joint Force, and enable full-spectrum mission success,” said Etienne. “We are a one-of-a-kind unit in the Army with the best damn Soldiers the Army has to offer. Our Soldiers are smarter. Our Soldiers are faster. Our Soldiers are stronger. And now that we have the Capybaras on our right flank, we are ready to hold the line and enable mission success against any adversary or foe we face.”

Charles in Charge!

Two points were also addressed at the recent ceremony by the company’s 1st Sgt. Terry Spangler, including why it chose a Capybara as their nickname and also why they call themselves “Charles” Company.

“A capybara is the world’s largest rodent, but you can domestic them and people do,” explained Spangler. “The unique thing about them is they enjoy a symbiotic relationship with other animals. Birds will ride on their back and there’s a give / take relationship and they get along with just about anything which is kind of interesting about Charlie Company and the 11th Cyber Battalion or just cyber as a whole. Many of us in the room here, although a part of the 11th Cyber Battalion, work every day with different organizations – Navy, Army, NSA, and other three-lettered organizations – doing missions for other units… and I think that captures the symbiotic relationship. We are who we are, and we help others.”

Spangler went on to say that the capybara in the unit’s logo also has a suit, “a very nice tie and a monocle,” while he sports a cyber insignia pin on his lapel.

“That’s not a ‘Charlie’ that’s a ‘Charles,'” added Spangler. “Very distinguished and that’s why we identify ourselves as Charles Company.”

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Peter Suciu is a freelance writer who covers business technology and cyber security. He currently lives in Michigan and can be reached at petersuciu@gmail.com. You can follow him on Twitter: @PeterSuciu.