When it comes to getting a security clearance, whether it’s Secret or Top Secret, many people assume there’s a significant difference in the criteria. However, that’s not the case—the criteria are exactly the same. What sets these clearances apart is the depth and scope of the investigation involved. Let’s break it down.

Levels of Security Clearance

There are three levels of security clearance:

  1. Confidential
  2. Secret
  3. Top Secret

While the adjudicative criteria—the rules and guidelines used to evaluate an applicant—are consistent across all levels, the intensity of the investigation ramps up with the sensitivity of the clearance. For example, a Confidential clearance includes a basic digital check. A Top Secret requires more in-depth interviews and verifications.

What Are the Criteria for Obtaining a Security Clearance?

Regardless of the clearance level, the same set of adjudicative guidelines are applied to determine whether you’re eligible:

  • Guideline A: Allegiance to the United States
  • Guideline B: Foreign Influence
  • Guideline C: Foreign Preference
  • Guideline D: Sexual Behavior
  • Guideline E: Personal Conduct
  • Guideline F: Financial Considerations
  • Guideline G: Alcohol Consumption
  • Guideline H: Drug Involvement
  • Guideline I: Psychological Conditions
  • Guideline J: Criminal Conduct
  • Guideline K: Handling Protected Information
  • Guideline L: Outside Activities
  • Guideline M: Use of Information Technology Systems

What Sets Top Secret Apart?

The difference lies in how deeply these criteria are investigated. For a Top Secret clearance, the investigation digs deeper, requiring more interviews and verifications. Investigators might talk to your former coworkers, neighbors, and even college acquaintances to get a comprehensive view of your background. They’re not out to catch you in a lie but to ensure that the information you’ve provided holds up under scrutiny.

This is where issues might arise—something that’s easily cleared in a Secret investigation might flag as a concern in a Top Secret review simply because of the additional details uncovered. The goal is to establish the “whole person,” ensuring that your reliability, trustworthiness, and integrity are beyond reproach before granting access to highly sensitive information.

Why Full Disclosure Matters

If you’ve previously held a Secret clearance and are now pursuing a Top Secret clearance, don’t assume that the criteria have changed. The investigation is just more thorough. Being upfront and honest throughout the process, no matter the clearance level, is crucial. Whether you’re filling out the security clearance application or sitting down with an investigator, transparency is key.

In the end, the path to obtaining a Top Secret clearance is paved with honesty, cooperation, and a willingness to have your life examined closely. If your background checks out, you’re well on your way to securing that high-level clearance.

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Jillian Hamilton has worked in a variety of Program Management roles for multiple Federal Government contractors. She has helped manage projects in training and IT. She received her Bachelors degree in Business with an emphasis in Marketing from Penn State University and her MBA from the University of Phoenix.