Here we go again. As government employees, we’re all too familiar with the looming threat of yet another government shutdown. It feels like a broken record playing over and over, with the same frustrating notes. Each time, we’re thrown into uncertainty, wondering if our paychecks will be delayed, if vital services will be halted, or if our work—our purpose—will be stopped in its tracks. And honestly? We’re tired of it.

Federal employees serve every single day with dedication, regardless of the political landscape. Whether we’re pushing papers or making critical decisions, our commitment to the country remains steadfast. We ensure that our communities are safe, our national parks are maintained, our veterans are cared for, and countless essential services continue to operate. We don’t ask for applause or praise; we just want to do our jobs. But every time a shutdown looms, it feels like our commitment is being taken for granted.

What’s particularly frustrating is the ripple effect a shutdown causes. Not only are we affected as federal workers, but the citizens we serve are too. The delays in service, the backlogs, and the unnecessary stress are completely avoidable, yet we find ourselves here again—caught in the middle of political games.

To put it bluntly: we’re sick and tired of it. We deserve better than this constant rollercoaster of uncertainty. We deserve to know that our jobs, our work, and our livelihoods aren’t political pawns. Every federal employee should be able to focus on serving the public without the constant fear that the rug will be pulled out from under them.

Yet, as frustrating as this all is, we know the drill. We’re prepared, as always. This isn’t our first rodeo, and it might not be our last. That’s why we started the FedFam Facebook group —to provide a community, resources, and support for federal employees navigating these tough times. Whether it’s advice on handling financial uncertainty, emotional support, or simply knowing you’re not alone in this, FedFam is here to help you prepare for whatever comes next.

Shutdown or not, we stick together. If Congress can’t seem to get its act together, they need to understand that it’s not just the numbers in a budget being debated—it’s our lives. It’s the lives of millions of public servants who work day in and day out to keep this country running. We’ve proven time and again that we’re resilient, but it’s time for real change to ensure that government shutdowns stop being a regular threat.

As federal employees, we stand strong, but we also demand the respect and stability we deserve. It’s time to stop using shutdowns as a bargaining chip. Let us do what we do best—serve the people. And let us do it without the constant threat of shutdowns hanging over our heads

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Jason Coleman has dedicated over 21 years to public service, beginning his career as an international volunteer and steadily progressing through various leadership roles in budget and financial management. His career has spanned multiple continents, where he has taken on both operational and budgetary responsibilities, contributing to major international projects and programs. Over the past decade, Jason has held senior-level positions in budget planning and financial systems, where he provided critical oversight and strategic direction for various initiatives. He is a recognized leader in his field, recently receiving a distinguished award for his exceptional work during a high-stakes evacuation operation. In addition to this honor, Jason holds over a dozen additional awards for his contributions to public finance and management. Outside of his professional duties, Jason leads a thriving online community of over 38,000 members, providing valuable resources and support for public servants navigating their careers in federal employment.