Regardless of your education level, devoting time and energy to your studies has likely been something you’ve committed years to. Once you have that degree in hand, it’s easy to take your foot off the gas pedal and settle into a professional status quo.

While there’s nothing wrong with hitting cruise control for a season as you focus on kick-starting your career, it’s important to consider ways to continue learning and growing as an individual. In other words, how can you stay relevant beyond the time you once spent in a lecture hall or classroom? Here are a few handy suggestions.

Incorporate AudioBooks and Podcasts Into Your Everyday ROUTINE

Learning doesn’t always have to be something you set aside specific time slots for.  By organically adding podcasts or audiobooks into what you’re already doing, you can regularly take in new information without changing the flow of your day. Many of us find we don’t have time to sit down and read a book, but by listening to an audiobook or news podcast, we can stimulate our brains while we work out or cook dinner.

Pursue New Certifications

Certifications don’t always have to be academically focused. Maybe you’re interested in the medical field and want to learn CPR. Does cooking interest you? Try your hand at some culinary courses. Refreshing that old garden in your backyard could be a fun project—join a gardening group to learn how to harvest food or grow flowers.

Immerse Yourself in Other Cities

The best way to learn is to jump right into a new place or culture. If you’re able, travel to a country you’ve never been to and observe how life flows there. You’ll be surprised at just how much you can learn from simply doing life in a new place.

Learning doesn’t have to happen in eight-hour chunks in a school or university. The most enjoyable ways to learn are often by jumping into what’s around us and trying new things. In the long run, you’ll likely enjoy learning more than ever as you open yourself up to new experiences and places.

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Grace Boone has always loved to write. As an English major at Florida State University, her love of learning, reading, and writing took off. She's held a number of different positions, giving her a well-rounded view of the world.