A few members of the ClearanceJobs content team chat about five tips to get a response from a company or a recruiter while you’re job seeking.
This topic is important because as we’ve been attending a ton of career events and engaging with candidates, we’ve noticed that job seekers aren’t necessarily familiar with all of the features the ClearanceJobs platform has to offer. We think it’s time for a 101 on how to effectively use our website as a job seeker as we hear candidates say “I don’t hear from a recruiter”, “my applications must get lost”, or “I can’t get a job on your website”. As a candidates, you can certainly upload your resume and let it hang there, which is fine if you have a very in-demand skillset or clearance. But across the board, likely you are not going to have many recruiters just reaching out immediately. So, if you are a motivated candidate seeking a new job, we’re going to chat about what you should really be doing on the ClearanceJobs platform to get the most traction.
Phoebe Wells:
I’m super happy to be here. I’m ready for this conversation because as a new employee, I understand the ClearanceJobs platform, but I want to know more. So I’m just as eager as our listeners to know more about this.
Katie Keller:
Love that. Well, so I actually started my journey with ClearanceJobs started in 2013, I had a recruiter seat. So I come from that vantage point. So I mean, even in learning over the last four years that I’ve been employed at ClearanceJobs, that’s really where I’ve gained my experience from a candidate’s perspective. So the first tip that we have for you today is if you’re on ClearanceJobs, and again, anyone is eligible anywhere from a public trust, which technically isn’t a clearance, but I digress, up to a TSSCI with some poly. So if you’re on our site, what you really need to do is join groups so that you can get more messages from recruiters.
Now, a lot of candidates I’ve spoken with are not familiar with groups. So ClearanceJobs has 90 plus niche groups categorized by clearance, polygraph level, experience skill, where you’re located, different military branches. So you can really tailor your marketing messaging specific to those groups and in receiving those messages from recruiters. So they operate similarly to a group on Facebook. But essentially if you’re a candidate a part of this group, you’re going to be getting messages from recruiters first because they’re blasting out broadcast messages to these groups in hopes of engaging with talent like you. That’s one of the features on ClearanceJobs that candidates just aren’t aware of. And Phoebe, I think you’re going to give us our tip number two.
Phoebe Wells:
Yes, I am. Well, and first of all, I think that is so important to highlight that groups feature because in anything in life, having a niche area to just really focus on is a win-win. So definitely go join that group. But tip number two is respond to messages and broadcast messages from the recruiters, even if you’re not interested in the role. Because that way, once you reach out and respond to someone actually contacting you, your information is going to be put into their pipeline. It’s going to be added to their ATS, and basically if a role that you’re more interested in pops up, they’ll already have your information. So it’s a great way, again, to just stay connected with the recruiters.
Katie Keller:
Sure. Yeah. I mean, total human nature would be, that role isn’t interesting to me. I’m just not going to respond. You never know where that response can lead you a couple of years down the line. So continue to make those connections even if it’s not something that you’re interested in right at that moment. Because that recruiter has hundreds of other roles they’re going to be working on over the next few months.
Phoebe Wells:
Katie Keller:
Well, so number three, formally apply to roles that are listed on the ClearanceJobs platform or express interest. So you can one click apply to more jobs in less time. So this express interest feature is something new to our site. It’s new to both candidates and recruiters, really from a candidate’s perspective. Like I said, it’s just a one click easy apply. You’re sending your contact information to the recruiter on the other end saying like, “Hey, I’m interested. I just don’t feel like filling out a job application.”
So from the recruiter’s perspective, you are generating these leads a lot quicker because candidates are more inclined to click one button as opposed to formally applying and filling out a long application. So I just would recommend if you are a motivated candidate, put in the work, find those jobs on our site, whatever your role is, and use that expressed interest feature so you can cast a wider net in your job search.
Phoebe Wells:
That is such a handy tool just to be like one button, I’m interested.
Katie Keller:
Phoebe Wells:
Very important.
Katie Keller:
Well, and especially as opposed to AUSA jobs, I know at career events, I’m always talking with folks who may not be familiar with our brand. And I’m like, it’s like AUSA jobs because we do have some federal jobs, we have a lot of industry work, but it’s a lot easier because you’re not just filling out job application after job application and long applications at that. You’re really able to connect with recruiters in a different way.
Phoebe Wells:
And that’s actually a great little segue into our next tip is that after you apply to a job, you really should be connecting with that recruiter that’s attached to the specific role. And you’ll find that on our site. And again, it’s just that great connection point to say, “Hey, I just applied to this job. I’m connecting with you now because I’m interested.” And it’s just a great way to build up your networking portfolio. And again, it really shows your interest in the position.
Katie Keller:
Absolutely. And I know that some recruiters on our site do make themselves anonymous or it says hidden recruiter on certain roles. That’s totally fine. Our tip number five is actually going to help you here. So once you do apply, let’s say that recruiter is hidden, you should be following the company pages for the organizations that you’re interested in. And then you should comment on their status updates because that’s a new feature on our site as well. And that’ll show your interest and engagement.
So really when it comes to networking, I feel like it’s squeaky wheel gets the grease. If you are super motivated and you make that known, somebody’s going to, I mean, there’s a professional way to stock recruiters online. There’s a professional way to stock candidates online. But squeaky wheel really does get the grease. So in addition to all of this, keywords really must be highlighted on your profile to include the correct level of clearance, the issuing agency of your clearance. So yeah, squeaky wheel gets the grease. And any other tips that you can think of, Phoebe.
Phoebe Wells:
I think just stay open to the process and really tune into this amazing podcast that you put out every week and check out our news site because we’re always putting out more information on the best way to engage with recruiters and just the security clearance process in general. So we have something for everyone. And our site is pretty great.
Katie Keller:
Absolutely. Well, and I think these rules of engagement are really tough, especially for military service members coming out of service. They go through TAP programs. But they’re really not told on the tactical tips on how to effectively network. Because they’ve essentially never had to do it. I mean, they’ve rubbed elbows to get promotions perhaps, but they haven’t just done a cold message on ClearanceJobs. So we really hope that these tips help you. For future tips please, you tease to it. You can visit [inaudible 00:09:41] clearancejobs.com.
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