“Curiouser and curiouser,” as Lewis Carroll’s Alice once observed. This much we know: the Petraeus scandal — and its connection to events in Benghazi — won’t magically disappear, as much as the Obama Administration might prefer. General Petraeus is going through a rough patch right now — completely of his own making — but that doesn’t negate his obligation to testify before Congress.
‘We should expect a continuation of many of the basic contours of the counterterrorism policies President Obama pursued in his first term.” Lawfare weighs in.
DIA breaks ground for the brand-spanking new MSIC Explosive Ordnance Exploitation Operations Complex in Huntsville, Ala.
In November 2011, President Obama stood before the Australian Parliament and issued a veiled challenge to China’s ambitions in Asia: “As a Pacific nation, the United States will play a larger and long-term role in shaping this region and its future.” A year later, the details of his pledge — along with a nascent American military buildup in the Pacific — are emerging.
The Navy, of course, has been operating out of Perth for at least half a decade, and the Department of Defense maintains a joint;y administered intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance facility in the Joint Defense Facility Pine Gap (JDFPG).
Boeing is set to cut 30% of management jobs from 2010 levels, trim $1.6 billion in costs by the end of 2015.
The Pentagon refreshes its janitorial contracts.
The State Department is seeking contractors to provide a gamut of services, ranging from Chemical/Biological/Radiological/Nuclear Countermeasure Training and community policing in austere environments, the political and economic climate of Brazil, even headhunting for an aircraft safety inspector.
The State Department is also really, really interested in buying closed-circuit cameras. Lots of them.