The information to follow may seem to be a strange way to reinforce the idea that all job transition candidates must always focus their attention on three simple yet vital concepts: personal introspection, how to show & explain their candidacy in terms of a reward of hire and not risk, and finally, that they are prepared to illustrate how they “fit” and benefit their target companies.


Baking Bread & Your Transition Process

While explaining the process and rationale of our Credential Product preparation to a new coaching client early one morning, at a local coffee shop, and listening to him drone on about how great he was; I noticed how much time the patrons, who were standing in line waiting to be served, spent reading the ingredients on the bread, coffee, cake and cookies products being sold there for home use. For some odd reason, I thought about the initial Presentation Materials that I received daily from new coachees or that I had received for 17 years while I was recruiting.

This new candidate was no exception. I could see how little time and thought he had really spent in preparing his documents. He just wanted an INTERVIEW. He was just like most other candidates, even though they “instinctively” knew and understood that those Credential Products would possibly determine their success in transition. Yes, they knew that the “products” they sent, showed, and demonstrated with would be used insure their financial success were worthless, but they consistently repeated the same old adage; it was not true then, it is still not true. “Just show me how to get the interview,” forget about the “paper stuff” and I will WIN the job. Like my prior candidates this coachee was under the illusion that there was a “quick secret” to getting noticed and getting interviewed and winning the job.

Today’s candidates still are shortsighted unfortunately, are not always aware that the Credential Products will be used for a multiplicity of transition purposes.

Among these are: To “get NOTICED,” as “Talking Points” which are used before, during and after any interview by both the candidate and eventually as a sales tool by the hiring authority, as a means to “get INTERVIEWED,” to negotiate and secure an Offer as the interview process draws to a close, to “get THAT NEXT job,” and finally, insuring that the hiring expectations are realistic for both the candidate and the hiring authority.

As I was instinctively writing the word recipe and then the word bread on his resume, this strange analogy really grabbed me. I might have actually finally found a good illustrative example to make my candidates aware of the necessity to developing that “work product” more thoughtfully and carefully. Now, I had a new illustrative idea to add to my discussion of the transition process.

If the interview process was indeed an audition, as I have stated often, then the preparation process was the “recipe” process that would ensure economic, psychic and familial health. The thought was so intriguing that I, indeed, stopped the discussion with the coaching client and mentioned it to him. I ruminated with him on the impact of the analogy and then continued my dissection of his Credential Materials. During the ensuing discussion, however, the candidate did seem to grasp, accept and understand my strange allusion to the “recipe” concept. His comments, suggested changes in his thought patterns and a renewed commitment to present GREAT transition products.

After the candidate left and after making the necessary notes on our meeting, my assessment on his progress, my new assignments to him, and our agreed upon expectations for the next weekly meeting; I spent several minutes mulling over the new idea of “recipe” and made a note to begin at “lunch” the fascinating task of exploring, refining and committing this new “thought” to paper. Below is an example if the some of that thought process.

I had never thought of ingredients or recipes in those terms before. As I just said, I often receive, on a regular basis; some crudely prepared resumes; often hear some of the worst “elevator” speeches, and have to struggle through the most poorly written emails or cover letters.

In trying to figure out the connection between the recipes and resumes, I finally realized that there was a very valid reason why people can concentrate on ingredients in food and not on the ingredients on their transition documents. Reading the ingredients on a food product takes little or no emotional commitment. Whereas, developing, writing, and preparing their Credential or Presentation Package takes time, work, commitment, and may and often does actually cause emotional distress, anguish and pain. The personal “recipe” is often the most difficult to prepare, because in transition, YOU are the PRODUCT.

Having spent 17 years recruiting and coaching, I know how hard the TRANSITION Process can and will be both to the candidate and their families. Every candidate wants the process over in a snap. In fact, our transition products are designed to help candidates weather the storm of transition. Title for my transition process was chosen with great care. The PERSONAL MARKETING STRATEGY PROGRAM for TRANSITION CANDIDATES embodies strategies for advocacy, preparation, and securing that next position in the shortest most painless way possible. To get the most out of our system, candidates must accept that “tasks are normally dismissed, measurable accomplishments are always recognized.” Your candidacy must become a reward for the hiring authority and not a risk.

It is imperative that all candidates expend the time to study, prepare, develop, refine, and define who and what they are, what they want and why they are a reward. See: What is your time worth, on our website.

Transition Compass® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Note: If you have found these concepts useful and want more in depth information: please check out our book, CD’s and website at

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