We will discuss briefly some basic guidelines for interviewing. We will cover more than the cursory information below in subsequent articles. In this issue we will especially emphasize our paradigm questions that can be used in any interview. Your interview is possibly the most important or impotent “sales” call you will ever make. Always focus on a simple fact that all “contacts” are interviews.

Basic Interview Guidelines

Remember: there are always two interviews going on at the same time!

In any interview setting close to 80% of all communication is non-verbal, so watch the interviewer’s body language as well as listening to the words. Check Painting Your Interview on our site. In every interview setting always pause to reflect before you answer questions, and listen to each statement and question fully to analyze why each was used. Don’t jump to answer or seem to be giving answers that are over-prepared; but also don’t react too slowly, as to seem to be floundering. This a fine line, but so are all sales efforts. If you do not understand a question, ask for a restatement. The question may have been purposely asked to confuse you; or to see if you were really listening. Listen before you answer. Be sure to discuss your ACCOMPLISHMENTS based on the conversation’s directions. As the interview is taking place, mentally convert your Accomplishments, Competencies, and Potentials to reflect their needs.

There are two basic keys that lead to a successful interview:

1. The ability to locate and UNDERSTAND the Needs of Interviewer and possible employer.

2. Awareness that follow-up is as important, or maybe more important, in today’s market, than the interview itself. Send that thank you note!

To insure a successful interview, all interviewee’s must possess all of the following:

1. Controlled Positive Passion

2. Assertiveness and Aggressiveness, not Abrasiveness

3. An intimate Knowledge of their Record of Accomplishments

4. Demonstrated a Variety of “Business” Related Experiences

5. Ability to Understand Needs of Interviewer

6. A Commitment to Close, to “ask for the job”


Kinds of Interviews:

There are several kinds of interviews, some are real; others are not. Below are two of seven from our book. Please be aware of the business realities today and to adapt to those realities. Remember, the first interview actually takes place without you; it is based on the evaluation of your presentation materials. Our system can help limit, but not eliminate the worst of these egregious interviewing tactics.

1. The “Brain Drain” Interview: Seeking names and contacts, the interviewer is looking for potential new clients from the interviewee.

2. The “Apple Pie” Interview: You are served as a filler for the real candidate. Many internal and external recruiters do this. The company’s HR or your Recruiter sends in 3 -5 candidates, one real one and 3 or 4 are fillers. They are there to make the main candidate look good or at least better.

3. The “Bug Killer” Interview: It is designed to Raid competitors. The client company is looking to fill their ranks with successful competitors, or acquire information from competitors, or worse use the interview for corporate espionage, disinformation or to destroy competition by hiring away their best employees.


Winning Traits for Candidates

Before you begin the interview process, telephonically, face to face, or electronically the following characteristics are an imperative:

Innovative: “Sees opportunity around every corner and especially in adversity.” Never met a problem/concern that you don’t like.

Convey Vision: “You have the ability to have a magnetic vision of the future, almost evangelistic.”

Sense of Urgency: “Now is the time to do this, to launch that new product.” We cannot wait; the old Satchel Paige line is true. “They are behind us and closing fast.”

Below, I give you some of the most successful questions that you can use in any interview. Here we depart from most transition coaches, in that we think it is the candidate’s role to assumptively lead the interview.

Once the greeting part of the interview is over and before the interviewer launches into an examination of your “vita” you ask the following questions almost casually. These questions must be rehearsed to flow as if they were conversational and part of the greeting section of the interview. Below I will present three of the basic nine that I suggest. We will discuss this approach in subsequent articles.


Paradigm Shifter Questions:

Simple but effective! Once you ask any question, do not speak again until you have been answered completely by the interviewer. These are your basic questions for any interview!

Three quick questions that will work at every interview: These seemingly simple questions change any interview from the typical question/answer session to a DYNAMIC interview. Reminder, this is an aggressive methodology, but it works. (See testimonials on our site) Be sure to adapt and or rewrite these questions in your own words.

1.  What about my background made you talk to me today?

The first question has 3 alternative outcomes. First, the interviewer could tell you why you are there, and you agree with them, second, the interviewer could tell you or intimate they do not know and you tell them, the third is tricky, the interviewer could say I have the “270 questions” to ask you and if we have time, we will get to your questions. Then you say very seriously, “I do understand, but I do have one question that I would like to ask,” then ask #2. If they answer you about what made them choose this company, then a real dialogue has begun, as soon as they finish ask again very casually the first question again. Then say nothing, “he who speaks first loses.”

2.   Why did you come here?

3.   What constituent qualities are you looking for in a ………..candidate?

As we said above, be aware that when you “pause” before speaking it gives credence to your thoughtful allegedly non-rehearsed answer. Regardless of how well prepared you are, always look “lost in thought” when answering questions. Almost as if, this was the “first time” that question was asked. In truth, for this interviewer it may well be.

Finally, remember to ask for the “order” (job) at least three times during every interview, even if you do not want the job. Be sure to incorporate the assumptive close methodology in your conversational tone. Assume that you already have the job, that it is only the start date that is in question. Both answer and ask questions using the editorial we, instead of the word I.

If you have found these concepts useful and want more in depth Information; please check out our book, CD’s and website at www.get-THAT-NEXT-job.com. Our website is constantly being updated. Please check the updates via the site’s search engine.

Transition Compass ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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