Greg Thomas, an Associate Professor at Penn State joined ClearedCast this week to discuss Penn State’s Geospatial Intelligence program.  He shared valuable insights into the evolving landscape of national security, the pivotal role of geospatial intelligence, and what is needed of the next generation.

Greg Thomas’ journey from the analytical trenches of law enforcement to academia underscores his deep commitment to advancing the field of geospatial intelligence. Thomas shares how his career path led him to Penn State, where he has been educating future intelligence leaders for over a decade.

He emphasizes the significant changes in the industry over the past ten years, highlighting the explosion of data and the advancements in technology that have transformed the way analysts process information. He points out that while the challenge used to be a lack of data, today’s analysts face the opposite problem: data overload. The tools and techniques available now are essential in helping analysts manage and make sense of this vast amount of information.

The conversation also touches on the broader implications of geospatial intelligence, extending beyond traditional military and defense applications. Thomas explains how Penn State’s program takes a comprehensive approach, teaching students to analyze human activity over space and time using geospatial data. This broad perspective prepares students to tackle a wide range of issues.

Penn State’s flexible, 100% online geospatial intelligence programs are designed to cater to working professionals, including military personnel and members of the intelligence community. Thomas elaborates on the various certificates and master’s programs offered, each tailored to equip students with the skills necessary for success in the field.

For anyone interested in the intersection of geospatial intelligence and national security, this podcast episode with Greg Thomas is a must-listen. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how this field is shaping the future of intelligence and the innovative educational pathways available at Penn State.

Learn more about Geospatial Intelligence programs at Penn State here!

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Phoebe Wells is the Public Relations & Partnerships Marketing Manager at ClearanceJobs and loves every aspect of her role. Creating content and working with the CJ team to connect cleared candidates with employers is incredibly rewarding, as the work ClearanceJobs does ultimately supports the mission of the U.S. As the daughter of a veteran and former cleared worker, she knows the sacrifices security and defense professionals make. She is honored to assist them in leveling up their careers. Plus, she gets to work from home in the Adirondack Mountains with her partner and two huskies!