All of those headline topics were the top read news headlines over the last month (are you surprised?). From our flying squirrels in the race for space, side hustles and security protocols for uber journeys, ingesting the magic mushies at the encouragement of your benefits providers, and how to make your military move a seamless one.

Senior Editor Jill Hamilton and Content Marketing Manager Katie Helbling talk about all the implications.

Booz Allen’s Impact on Tomorrow: How Women at Booz Allen Are Steering the Future of Space

Booz Allen has a rich history in space solutions, with over 30 years of support for the International Space Station, NASA infrastructure modernization, and engineering for the Artemis mission. Women have played increasingly significant roles in the space industry over the past two decades.

Advice from women leaders in the space industry? Bringing one’s full self to work involves self-care, setting boundaries, and being authentic. Women contribute diverse perspectives and innovative ideas to the space industry, influencing current and future endeavors. Challenges in the space industry include the gender pay gap and the need for diverse skills and perspectives and achieving work-life balance involves flexibility, prioritizing, and adapting to different demands.

Lastly, mentors, playing to strengths, and finding what excites are valuable advice for young women pursuing careers in the space industry.

Don’t Uber Your Way to a Clearance Issue

Ride sharing – it’s a beautiful thing. But for those with security clearances, there are some precautions to keep in mind. Lindy unpacks it all on this special Friday edition of Ask Lindy.

Ride-sharing services are increasingly popular annually. Using platforms such as Uber or Lyft for travel, whether for business or leisure, can simplify reaching a new location. Besides convenience, many individuals find ride-sharing to be a beneficial way to earn extra income during college or even their daily commute.

However, if you hold a security clearance, could your Uber or Lyft engagements lead to unforeseen complications? Lindy says, “Driving a rideshare for extra income isn’t a security concern. Where it could be an issue is if you fail to report the income or list the employment. While it’s a side hustle, if you’re generating income you need to make sure to report that for tax purposes, and also indicate it as outside employment for your current job.”

Work-Sponsored Psychedelics: The Employee ‘Benefit’ from Hell

Employers in the United States are grappling with two challenging issues: the necessity to maintain competitiveness in recruiting top talent and the increasing costs of running their businesses.

Some employers are exploring innovative employee benefits such as psychedelics to attract talent and potentially reduce costs. As more employers consider these benefits, the tech sector might follow suit, driven by its inclination towards cutting-edge solutions.

However, employees in tech roles transitioning to national security careers could face security clearance issues due to psychedelics use, similar to past challenges with marijuana. Despite potential legal arguments, concerns over the impact of psychedelic substances on reliability, judgment, and protection of classified information remain critical.

The PCS Blues: The Secret to a Successful Military Move

Steve Leonard outlines the 5 Gs of military moves: Get ready. Get organized. Get moved. Get on the road. Get there.

There is an abundance of advice available for navigating a successful PCS move, but where should you begin? Google or Reddit serve as valuable resources for military move tips and practical guidance. Here are Steve’s tips:

Stay vigilant : Theft occurrences during PCS moves are not uncommon. Ensure that your most valuable items are kept separate and stored securely while the packing process is ongoing.

Utilize Apple AirTags: This cost-effective technology allows you to track your shipment in nearly real-time, offering peace of mind during the move.

Embrace the Personally Procured Move (PPM): Formerly known as DIY (do-it-yourself), this method allows you to maintain control over critical items and be reimbursed for transporting them between stations.

Make the most of your travel time: There is no rush to reach your destination quickly. Take it slow, reduce stress, and turn your journey into an adventure.

Submit a claim: Upon arrival at your new duty station, thoroughly inventory and evaluate your household goods. File a claim for any missing, damaged, or destroyed items, and leverage your travel regulations for support.


This podcast is brought to you by the global defense team at Booz Allen.

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Katie Helbling is a marketing fanatic that enjoys anything digital, communications, promotions & events. She has 10+ years in the DoD supporting multiple contractors with recruitment strategy, staffing augmentation, marketing, & communications. Favorite type of beer: IPA. Fave hike: the Grouse Grind, Vancouver, BC. Fave social platform: ClearanceJobs! 🇺🇸