There is a chronic condition affecting millions of driver’s in this country. You may have heard of it – lead foot. If you have a need for speed – and a security clearance – here is what you need to know.

Many security clearance applicants wonder if they have to list tickets on their security clearance application, or SF-eighty-six. You do – but only traffic infractions were the fine is over three hundred dollars. Read the fine print. The cost of a ticket may be significantly higher than three-hundred dollars, but that may be fees. The actual fine may be less.

For Virginia drivers racing their way to Langley and unable to talk their way out of a ticket, speeding presents another problem. The commonwealth of Virginia rules any driver going over eighty miles per hour or in access of twenty miles per hour over the speed limit as a ‘reckless driver.’ That means a misdemeanor on your record and a court visit. What will that mean for your existing security clearance or a future one? Likely very little. Security clearance adjudicators are pretty sympathetic when it comes to a single traffic infraction – even a big one, and even one that results in a misdemeanor.

The one issue serial speeders need to consider? If you’re caught going over the legal limit time and time again, the number of infractions may be held against you and considered a pattern of irresponsible behavior. When you get to three or so speeding fines, it may be time to trade your sports car for a scooter.

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Lindy Kyzer is the director of content at Have a conference, tip, or story idea to share? Email Interested in writing for Learn more here.. @LindyKyzer