We all want to stand out from the crowd – in a good way, of course. And when you’re vying for the next job opportunity, most of us don’t have every recruiter beating down the door with offers. So, how do you stand out to recruiters and get them to notice you after the initial conversations?

If you already have the qualifications and a recruiter has reached out, it’s now time to kick it up a notch. If you haven’t done your research yet, now is the time. Your qualifications might have gotten you your foot in the door, but if you want to stand out from the others, you need to do some research on the organization and the federal agencies they support. It’s not enough to just read the ‘About Us’ section of their website. Now is the time to show that you’ve gone the extra mile.

Reading through an annual report is a great way to pick up on the language of the company. You’ll notice keywords that stand out even. Then, check them out on social platforms, and see if you know anyone who works there. Make those connections where it makes sense, and get firsthand information about the company. The more you glean from your reading and conversations with others, the better your questions will be in an interview. And ultimately, when it comes time to pick a candidate, your resume will shine a little brighter.