The Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) reconvened on July 17 at The New IC annual event, kicking off with La’Naia Jones, CIO & Director, IT Enterprise, CIA. With the sweltering heat outside the Arlington Army Navy Country Club, Jones’s message was refreshing. She kicked off the session reminding everyone that there are many jobs out there in the Intelligence Community (IC), and we need every voice and perspective. The world is a more connected place than we think, and we all work together in different ways over the years.

History Lessons and Grace

Jones noted that we tend to think 248 years in the U.S. is a lot, but for our adversaries, many of them are thousands of years old. With that in mind, Jones reminded attendees to give grace – both to self and our country. U.S. founding fathers pushed for a system that was better than what they were before, and we should continue with that perspective. America is still figuring things out. Democracy is hard – something we’ve witnessed firsthand over the years. And with the constant deluge of information flowing, it can be challenging to see a way out. Jones encouraged everyone to step away from it all whenever possible, as well as, to meter and measure your information level and give our country and ourselves grace.

Guidance for Working in National Security

Jones shared five key insights, gleaned from her work over the years.

1. Be you.

There are conscious choices we often make, trying to look like others around us. But Jones shared that during the pandemic, a shift happened for her. For Jones, her shoe choice adjusted, and she stopped trying to wear so many different shoes based on what she perceived was expected of her. She decided to stick with what fit her best, and she shared that many people thanked her for showing up and being comfortable in their own skin.

Jones shared that intelligence is about speaking truth to power – not about what’s on the outside. Jones shared, “Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Be authentic.”

2. Be kind.

We all know that life is hard, and the older you get, the more you realize that it doesn’t get any easier. Jones noted that we never know what load others are carrying – there’s a lot that we don’t see. She said, It’s important to take the time to be kind to one another.” Assume the best intent.

During the hardest times in history, the best innovations have emerged. At any given moment, you never know how your reactions could impact others. Jones reminded that there’s five different generations in the workforce. It’s important to be careful with our communications with one another.

3. Take risks.

Jones shared that we often don’t talk about the no’s, but “for every yes, there’s at least one or more no along that path.” She encouraged the audience to use your no’s as inspiration for the next opportunity. Jones pushed everyone to be nervous about the positions we take because if you’re complacent, you’re doing it wrong. She said, “In order to grow, we have to take risks and try new things.”

4. Embrace failure.

Failure offers the best lessons. Jones said it’s important to take accountability for your reactions and apologize where you need to – even publicly when warranted. But you have to learn from what you do and where you fail. Otherwise, you’ll just keep repeating the same mistakes. Jones noted that it’s how you grow as a leader.

5. Have fun.

Jones ended the session with the push to have fun. We know life is short, and it’s easy to think you have more time. But she shared how important it is to enjoy yourself. She said, “Wake up in the morning and have fun with what you do. Don’t stress all the small stuff.”

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Jillian Hamilton has worked in a variety of Program Management roles for multiple Federal Government contractors. She has helped manage projects in training and IT. She received her Bachelors degree in Business with an emphasis in Marketing from Penn State University and her MBA from the University of Phoenix.