It happens every year – the end of the fiscal year (October) looms, and government agencies look to spend their ‘use it or lose it’ funds. When i was at the Pentagon, it manifested itself in brand new, $800 per unit chairs (to replace the more comfortable, two year old chairs we already had). I get that there is a need to spend money that might otherwise be unavailable, and sometimes new equipment is necessary. But what about spending 2014’s unused funds on something more lasting – such as talent acquisition and recruiting solutions?
While agencies differ in both their missions and acquisition strategies, the one thing they all agree on is the importance of great employees. Today’s IT solution will be in tomorrow’s recycle bin, but a quality hire has a lasting effect on an agency’s ability to perform. One good hire improves a team, an empty desk can make the whole team resent the mission, and the extra workload.
Deltek reports that in the final quarter of 2014, government agencies will spend 35.4 percent of their funds, or $168.2 billion dollars. That number is significant, and even higher than previous years. The September spending spree tends to favor services that are easy to procure quickly, such as technology upgrades. Talent acquisition is a long-game, not a short game. But if you’re looking to make the case for new personnel, there may be no better time than August. Add to your bench while the funds are there, and make top talent a 2015 priority. Here are a few tips to consider:
1.Have a case ready for why end-of-fiscal-year dollars should be spent on talent acquisition – not desk chairs. Look for services not being provided and offer the solution – and the professional to do the job. Look through your performance over the past year – who were your best hires? What are your company’s top performing contracts? How could adding new positions increase value to the customer? Have the business case ready because now is the time the government has the dollars.
2. Build your talent pipeline. Advertise for positions you have today, but build connections for tomorrow. Have top talent ready when the government has the money to spend. Don’t be left empty-handed when a need for professional services comes up – and you don’t have the professional to provide the implementation.
3. Consider contract hires. You should always have a few great 1099 or contract employees in your Rolodex. Why? Because they’re the perfect hire for times when you need to fill a position but the particular skill set is incredibly hard to find. They’re also great for when a program manager comes to you with a temporary need.
4. Remind your program managers and proposal developers that great talent is a great way to sell your company. If you’re a sourcer or recruiter, your work has a direct effect on the company’s bottom line. Make sure your business team knows that talent acquisition should be a part of their contract strategy – because new contracts are won, and old ones are lost, based on the quality and performance of your workforce.
Get exposure to all of your positions with’s new Pay-Per-View job posting model. Pay-per-view lets you establish the criteria, the budget, and the timeline. You can set up a campaign to run through October, fill your bench and your openings with the best talent, and reevaluate. You can also move dollars between days and weeks, so when the need is there, the money is there. PPV gets exposure to all of your openings on your timeline and within your budget.